6 Easy Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofit Organizations
January 01, 2017
Running a nonprofit organization (NPO) is a challenging, yet fulfilling responsibility. A noble deed in being a blessing to others with even limited resources at hand. Most NPOs regularly conduct activities that would make their beneficiaries gain knowledge, livelihood, and most especially recreation after a series of hard work.
However, not all NPOs can easily push through a certain activity because of their lack of funds. Unlike government organizations that have regular funding from the local government units they are under, NPOs need to work and search hard for bringing material, physical, psychosocial, and financial aids into their organization to make it operate smoothly. But the main dilemma NPOs usually encounter lies in the question: Where can we get funds?
Raising funds entails a lot of work, but no one ever said it will be impossible. Here are 6 easy and doable fundraising ideas you can do to get that activity into place...
Get a Reliable, Generous Philanthropist
It’s not like you will be asking for alms to get sponsorship for your organization. Even though at these times when you think getting a sponsor is hard, there are still kind-hearted people who will always be opening their arms to help and ensuring that all the organization’s efforts to deliver assistance will be put to reality. This just needs a little patience, perseverance, and a good sense of persuasion to make these sponsors see the light in what your organization can and aims to do.
Bargain Sale
Everybody loves bargain sales! Gather everything that’s slightly used to brand new in your closet, plus those from the others who would want to donate stuff they don’t use anymore to start up a grand bargain sale. In this small, easy gesture, you get to earn money as the organization’s funds without really spending a fortune. This can also be a way to gain more volunteers, members, and even potential sponsors from the buyers.
Food to Funds Activity (such as Dinner for a Cause)
Food-to-Funds means in exchange for deliciously prepared meals, donors, customers and participants will offer money. Nowadays, ready-packed meals and food deliveries are huge hits. Either you can take orders online, through phone, or from a food station, it would be a wonderful delight! Let’s use the popular saying, the way through a man’s heart (to donate for the good) is through his stomach. So, make sure you and your co-volunteers cook well, you won’t want to feed your generous people, bad food, will you?
Film Showing (or Concert for a Cause)
This is also one of the most promising fundraising ideas there ever were. You may choose to search for generous filmmakers to get as a partner, screen their movie somewhere, and offer movie tickets cheaper than the movie house’s price. More donations may come if the makers and artists could be present for an after viewing discussion. If your organization has its own filmmakers, talents, or ready-made film, then it would be so much better to use it. This way, you get to raise funds, while practicing your members’ talents and making the bigger community know about your gift.
Fun Race – Fund Raise
For those health buff out there, a benefit run is hitting two birds with one stone kind of a race. They get to do well for their bodies, at the same time they could help other people. Usually, fun runs ask for a registration fee depending on how far you choose to run, in exchange for a running kit, which basically consists of singlets, nameplates, bags, and other kinds of memorabilia. Again, 2-in-1—better health for the participants and wellness for the event’s beneficiaries.
Sports Tournament
You can choose any kind of sports or you can organize a sports festival. Like the fun run, you can gain funds from registrations and sponsorships. Some sports enthusiasts are more likely to offer help and donations in all kinds when it comes to sports tournaments like yours. This can be a good way for your organization to have fun as well. As for the prizes to whoever will win, this can also be asked for sponsorship, so really there wouldn’t be any much fuss in providing the necessary things.
Remember that beyond gaining funds and earning money for your NPO’s operations and its beneficiaries, the activities shared above could provide you with even better gifts—long lasting support from the community. Through these activities, your organization could meet other groups that you can partner with in your future activities and your organization’s mission and vision. Nothing is impossible with team work and a thorough preparation.